Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Starting Shot

It has been quite awhile since I published on this blog, but I'm about to change that. For nice starting shot fired, allow me to introduce myself.

I am a proud United States Army veteran, having served two tours in Iraq. After I finish my degree here, I plan on going back to the Army. I know it sounds crazy, but I was so excited to get out, and then I missed it ever since. Communication majors should check out Stars and Stripes to see where our profession meets the armed forces.

After eight years in the Army, I decided to get out and go back to school on my GI Bill. I am a communication major at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania. My focus is journalism. I am the assistant Campus Life editor for our student newspaper, The Rocket.

I'm fascinated with the way new media has so dramatically changed the way we send and receive information. The internet allows for uncensored news outlets such as LiveLeak. Although adjusting to new media was challenging at times, I now realize that new media helped me in my adjustment from military to civilian life. For the first few months, I didn't really know anyone around the area, so I used Facebook to stay connected with my old friends. YouTube kept me entertained, possibly a bit too well entertained. I'm sure we've all experienced the loss of several hours by clicking a few YouTube vids.

The one social media tool that I resisted for as long as possible was Twitter. I never quite understood Twitter. Someone explained to me that it was a way to stay connected via cell phone. Apparently I could follow people and get pointless updates whenever they felt compelled to send a text. Well all I could say was an emphatic, "No, thank you!"

Apparently, Twitter has evolved quite a bit, and I have a lot to learn. So, here's my Twitter.

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