Friday, February 10, 2012

Is Affirmative Action a negative reaction?

Affirmative Action seems to be an issue that most people tip-toe around in public debate. Given the history of affirmative action, few people would deny that there was a time in our nation's history that such a policy was necessary.

As we progress as a society, the question occasionally arises of whether Affirmative Action is still necessary today. As we weigh the pros and cons of Affirmative Action, certain questions must be addressed. Has the policy helped us progress toward a more fair and equitable society? Are minorities still at a significant disadvantage? Do racial preferences actually combat racism, or do they only reinforce existing racial prejudices?

John McWhorter, a linguistics professor who describes himself as a liberal Democrat, argued in an NPR debate that Affirmative Action continues to perpetuate a culture of victimization among African Americans. He also argues that diversity has not been shown to lead to a higher quality education.

Other research suggests that the arguments against affirmative action are myths and the the current policy must remain in effect to ensure equality in education and hiring.

One thing is for certain, topics concerning race relations come with a significant amount of emotional baggage. I believe that in determining the future of Affirmative Action, it will be necessary for both sides to set aside emotional appeals and let the bare facts speak for themselves.

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